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S.H.A.P.E is now moving away from actively working on "Yankee Atrocities" for the time being to work on our other website projects. This is not to say that we have documented all the Yankee atrocities that can be actually occurred as this is an open end research project that may take years. The information we have posted should be adequate for anyone to mount a defense when someone starts telling you how evil the South or the Confederate Army was. If you will notice, most of our information comes from the Official Records of the War of Rebellion know as the ORs. There are no other records that exists that are more accurate than ORs. We have a few instances of stories from other written sources from several states however we do not have any information from other states. You can fully expect some people to dismiss the ORs as enhanced or wrote in the heat of the moment,or a thousand other reasons why they dismiss these records. It is not the purpose of these pages to be one sided or biased. It is our intention to show the other side of what is usually described as hate, racism, and other wrong doing.
Thorough out the war the Southern People were caught between two warring armies, both armies burned countless bales of cotton, bridges and homes, killed live stock, destroyed agriculture and railroad equipment. We did not document every instance of these actions simply because the ones we have documented make the point. The Southern army did it in defense against a invading army.The invading Yankees destroyed or stole everything that got in front of them, food, medicine, livestock, homes and clothing out of hate for fellow Americans. They carried off as much as they could in unmatched greed. In a letter by Gen. D. H. Hill, CSA to Gen. J. G. Foster, USA which can be found on the North Carolina (Confederate) page, is a good description of how the Yankees acted. SHAPE would love to have stories from your state or hometown. We will try to find documentation of every instance that is sent to us , although in some cases it may not be possible. We would also love to have your stories about you relatives as prisoners of war.To submit a story send what facts you have to George Purvis, SHAPE webmaster at [email protected]. Thank You, Southern Heritage Advancement Preservation and Education (SHAPE)
UPDATE: I have moved some unfiled reports to the state pages. I have deleted that section. No reports were lost. I did this because I am making the website easier to navigate. Note the Previous/Next page clickable links in the Camp Chase section. I intend to do the entire website in this manner. The menu at the left will still work.
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Atrocities In Alabama
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