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 Camp Chase near Columbus Ohio April 19th 1862 Dear Parents This will inform you that I am well at present tho I have bin very sick for some time since I have bin a prisoner. C. S. Ray, T. L. Farmer and myself are all of our company that are here. Both of them have bin sick. Farmer is low yet but mending slowly. I think his recovery doubtful. T. F. Parker is at ft warren mass. I hear from him by letter every week. He has had a very bad spell of typhoid fever but is getting well again. The rest of our company are at indianappolis. I hear from them occasionally. They have suffered much with sickness but no deaths since they arrived at that place. Bro H. P. died at this place the 2nd day after we arrived here with pneumonia. He spoke to me calmly of his death a day or two days before he died. I waited on him as best I could until a few hours before he died when I was taken suddenly very sick & was confined to my bed for several days. Tully Ray & Farmer then waited on him till he died. We labeled the coffin & the officers promised to put the same on the head board. If I should live I want to remove his remains to Mississippi, as he made that his last request. We left seven of our co very sick at St Louis & have not heared from them yet, but I feel pretty sure that R. M. Tynes died. We lost in battle 3 killed. J. L. Walker, Ths Swiney, Wm Brevin. Two missing, F. C. Bryant & P. H. Richardson. Seven wounded, some severely. We had but 44 men of our co in the battle. We are treated well enough for prisoners. I haven’t the most distant idea when we will be released, but hope the time is not far distant when this unholy war will cease & we be permitted to return to our homes in peace. I close by saying farewell. A. E. Earley
Alberto E. Earley (First_Last) Regiment Name 26 Mississippi Infantry. Side Confederate Company G Soldier's Rank_In 1 Lieutenant Soldier's Rank_Out Captain
Camp Chase Columbus Ohio April 21st 1862
Dear Sister This is to inform you of my whereabouts. Was taken prison on Teusday. Will be two weeks here been here one. Am pleased to say this leaves me well am healed very well although rather wounded. I am in hopes this will meet you all my dear sister in good health – also my Boy. Hope he is a good one. Kiss him for me. Am only allowed to write but one page and it has to be overlooked by the commander so my letter must be short. Do not fret but hope that we will meet soon. It might have been worse. See how many poor fellows have fallen at Pittsburg. God grant that we will be soon together again. Respects to all friends. Tell Frankland to tell Brooks to send Dick with funds. God bless you. A S Levy
A.S. Levy (First_Last) Regiment Name 42 Tennessee Infantry. Side Confederate Company I Soldier's Rank_In 2 Lieutenant Soldier's Rank_Out 2 Lieutenant
http://history-sites.com/mb/cw/tncwmb/index.cgi?rev=3070 See Abraham S. Levy, Co. "A", 4th Confederate Regiment. This regiment surrendered at Tiptonville, Tenn., Apr. 8, 1862, members being exchanged at Vicksburg, Miss., Sept. 20, 1862. Orders dated Sept. 29, 1862, dissolved this command. Four companies were directed to the 42nd Tennessee Regiment, while the remaining six formed part of the 54th Alabama Regiment. Levy and his company was assigned to the Tennessee regiment.
Cincinnati, April 17, 1862
Dear Brother, I came down here this morning, expecting to see you, but heard at the hospital, that you had been mooved to Camp Chase, near Columbus Ohio. We heard you were sick & therefore wanted to see you very much. I have not time to go further to see you. I am stilling at Boston Ky & have to go back immediately. My wife & Molly came down with me, & wished to see you very much. If you need any money or anything else, write to me at Boston. We are all well & hope you will be well soon. We expect soon to go home. We are living at Boston. I built a new house at Strawhaw since you left. Write soon – direct to boston ky Your Brother F. M. Smith
May 8th 1862
Johnson Island Sandusky Dear Friend G P Chilcutt I avale my self of the present opportunity of writing you a few linds to let yo now that I am well at present. I hope thees few linds may find you well. I wod like very much to see yo and see yors. Well this is a nice place wher the helth is very good wher liced. Write to me and let me now how you ar gitting along. I have nothing strange to write to yow. Only Dr J J Matherson of Paris was her yesterday evening. Nothing more at present. Onley remain yours truly G. W. Hart Prisoner of war to Liut G P Chilcutt prisoner of war at Camp Chase Ohio prison No 2.
G.W. Hart (First_Last) Regiment Name 46 Tennessee Infantry. Side Confederate Company B Soldier's Rank_In 1 Lieutenant Soldier's Rank_Out 1 Lieutenant
George W. Hart, lst Lt. Captured at Island No. 10, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio, transferred to Johnson's Island I May 1862. Sent to Vicksburg, Ms. for exchange 1 Sept. 1862. Captured at Wells Creek, Tn., 8 May 1863, (Dickson Co., Tn.), sent to Johnson's Island. He died 27 March 1864 from pneumonia. His body was sent to Paducah, Ky.
George P. Chilcutt (First_Last) Regiment Name 46 Tennessee Infantry. Side Confederate Company A Soldier's Rank_In 1" Lieutenant Soldier's Rank_Out 1" Lieutenant Alternate Name G.P./Chilcutt
G. P. Chilcutt/George Chilcutt, lst Lt., age 28, Captured at Island No. 10, sent to Camp Chase, Ohio. He died while in prison, 11 May 1862, and is buried in the Confederate Cemetery, grave # 2078, Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio. (Pinkney Shilcutt/Pink Chilcutt/J. P. Chilcutt are also filed at the National Archives under G. P. Chilcutt).
June the 5 1862 Williamsport Maryland
Dear Son I take my pen to write you a few lines to inform you that we are all well exept Heny Cool who was laying very low with the fever when I left home about three weeks ago. We heard in a few days after that you was taken prisner. We understood that you was taken to Ohio Columbus which was the last account we had of you. Mother wrote a letter to Uncle Joseph Hedrick at Washington and he wrote to the genral of the Ohio Division but received no answer. If this letter should reach you I can only advise you to bear your imprisonment with patience as we bear our misfortunes in Virginia. I left home three week ago for fear of being imprisoned by the Rebel army for being a union man. The united states army was at Harisonborg about tow weeks ago then left and fell back into Maryland and I come back with them. I was st the citty of Washington stayed at Uncle J. Hedricks one night and them came back to this place where I am now writing this letter. I am now on my way home expecting to get there as the united states army is now going up the vally of Virginia again and I hope they will hold the vally this time as I think they have force enough to do so. They have drove the Rebel army the vally to Woodstock and are still in persuit of them. The Rebel army made great havoc among our people in the vally forcing all young men invalids and others into the army and taking up old men as union men and putting them into prison. Many young men and old fled from the vally myself among them. I tried my best to bring William away when I left but he was not ready to come and I left and I heard nothing of him sence. We have a fine prospect for a hevy harvest but if the united states army should fail to hold the vally there will be no hands to save much of the grain. Very little corn will be tended this summer. William will be 18 year of age the last of this month but the Rebels talked of passing of law to take from sixteen to sixty. Write home as soon as you can get the opertunity. I will leave here in a days for home. It is useless for me to writ more at this time but say to you be content with your lot as it is like my own a very hard one. Your father Henry Whisler
N. B. We now look for peace in a short time Virginia will soon be surrendered and the soldiers will then be release if you have your health and living that you can standed until you are released I would much sooner see it than to see you in the Rebble army H. W.
"Camp Chase, April 22, 1862. Mr. William Jackson. My Dear Father: There is a kind lady by the name of Mrs. Clark going to Richmond from here, and I hope you may get my letter. I am sorry to say to you, father, that I am a prisoner of war, but proud that I am well and hearty and weigh more than you ever saw me. The disadvantage that I labor under is my clothes are all too small for me. We have good quarters and good rations and very kind treatment. I would like if you would go to Alabama and look after my family; and if they will go, I want you to move them to Georgia, as I can't tell when I will get home, but when I do get there I will have money to pay for all they consume. I think it best for my family to move to Georgia. After three days' hard fighting at Donelson, we were compelled to surrender. I had only one man killed in my company. Our loss was great, and I never want to see anothere battlefield. It was fearful to me to look over the field and see the blood run from my fellow-man. I felt the wind of many a bullet, but fortunately escaped unhurt. We were in the heat of the battle, and my company bore the colors. I would write more, but I do not want to trouble Governor Todd to read so much, as he is kind enough to let us write. He is very much of a gentleman and very kind to us. May God bless you and family! J.P. Jackson, Captain
Letter 2
Dear Wife: This is the first chance I have had to write you, and I don't know whether this will go through. I am well and heartly, so well that my clothes are getting too small for me. I think I shall weigh two hundred by the time I get home. The health of my company is good. We have plenty of good rations here, and are well treated. I want you to attend to my business the best you can until I get home. I can't tell anything about when that may be. Rear our children for God and our country; and if I never see you any more, tell them to think well of their father. I think it would be the best thing to sell all my effects except the land and go to Georgia and live there until I get home. Do just as you think best. Kiss the children for me. Prisoner of War. J.P. Jackson, Captain"
Letter 3 Transcribed as J.T Jackson, I believe it is supposed to be J. P. Jackson
April 22 1862 Camp Chase Prison No 3 four miles west of Columbus Ohio Honorable David Clapton
I was surrendered with 96 men all from Allabamma & we are now confined in prison for the want of Generalship upon our part. I am sorry to say that we was badly out out Generaled at Fort Donelson. We hav comfortable quarters & good rations & we are very kindly treated. We are all in good health. I want you to write to my Father William Jackson & tell him that I am well. Write to Erin Georgia Pike county also G W Jackson the same address & I want you to send me some money. When I was taken prisoner I little bit money & now I have not one dollar & if you will send me some money & call upon William Erin Tallapoosa County Allabamma 18 miles north of Dadeville at Newsite or you can hold my wages in the army which is now $500. This is the only way that I see that I could get money. this Lady is doing all she can for our comfort. I wish you to do all you can to have us exchanged my home is at Newsite Tallapoosa. Examine the record at Richmond & you will find my company upon record. I don’t know what whether you will ever get this but I think Mrs Clark will carry it to Richmond. But you may be at home. Your truly Capt J. T. Jackson
Head-Quarters District of the Ohio. Nashville May 8th 1862
Thos H. Clay, Dr Sir, Let your memory carry you back to the winter of 58-59 when you were attending the State University at Madison, Wisconsin, and by so doing I think you will remember your old friend who was there attending Bacons Commercial College whose name is at the bottom of this note. You will excuse me I know for stepping in upon and writing you in this impolite manner but I have long desired to hear from you, have written you several letters but could receive no answer from you, and not until quite recently did I learn that you were on the “other side of the fence” from myself and at Camp Chase. Though I deeply regret it yet I will refrain from saying any thing which would in any way injure your feelings but trust that our old friendship may be once more renewed and there we may say & do as we like. My object in writing you was principally to renew our acquaintance and to become the same that we were in the good days gone by and now Tom (if you will allow me the old familiar term) here is my hand as free as though this war had never begun and we never knew of it and I hope you will give me yours as freely as mine is given. Let us correspond with each other and relate our experiences since we last heard from each other and should you desire this worthy of a reply I will give you a quick return and tell you what I am doing in these Head Quarters. Tell me where Tom Veniout is? And if I can in any way be of any service to you I beg of you to call on me and I will do all I can. Please write me soon and believe me as of old. Your Friend John K. Arnold
P.S. I have learned your whereabouts through one Pumel Bishop of Lexington who is a clerk in these Head Quarters.
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