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Camp Chase Prison 3 Mess 30 Ap 21 1862
Hon Landon C Haynes C. S. Senator Richmond Va.
My Dear Sir I am a prisoner of war in Camp Chase. I am a 1st Lieutenant in the 50th Tenn Reg surrendered at Fort Donelson. My health is very feeble and I am very anxious to be exchanged. By the bearer of this I have written to Gen Wigfall C. S. Senator from Texas asking his influence in carrying out a plan for my exchange. I imagine the most expeditious way to effect an exchange is to select an officer of my rank who is a prisoner in the South and to release him on Parole to visit Washington and have me released or to return to his status in prison in case he fails to accomplish his mission. Knowing that the Confederate Government has a prisoner of my rank by the name of Lt. Riley of the 47th New York Reg I have selected him as a suitable man to have exchanged for me. He was captured on the 17th of March at Ulleito Inlet, S.C. I feel the more confident in asking your influence from the fact that you are well acquainted with my brother in law Frank E Williams of Rusk Texas formerly of East Tenn and also from a fact (which perhaps you are not aware of) that I was the first man who even suggested through the public prints your name as a suitable man for Confederate Senator. Can I hope that you will cooperate with Gen Wigfall in procuring my release? This letter will be carried to Richmond by Mrs Clark. Please let me hear from you. Hoping through your influence to soon be beneath the skies of Dixie I remain My Dear Sir Very Respectfully yours John S Ward
On the envelope:
Lt Jno S Ward 50th Tenn Reg. Camp Chase Ohio
Hon L. C. Haynes C. S. Senator Richmond, Va
Camp Chase near Columbus Ohio April 19th 1862
Dear Bro: It has been some time since I have either written or received a letter from any of you. You will doubtless have heard the fate our Regiment before this reaches you. We were all or nearly all taken prisoners at Island No 10. The officers taken at 10 Island have all been sent here the privates to Chicago or Springfield. Field officers are to be sent on to Ft Homes. All the officers of Talladega Company are here except Capt Isbell. All are well. We were surrendered about two weeks ago after a bombardment of 24 days. The particulars of the surrender I have not space to write as I am allowed to write but one page. My health is very good. We are well treated. Have plenty to eat & comfortable quarters. Know no more about when we will be released than you do. Your affectionate Bro. J Henderson
Envelope addressed to: John Henderson Esq Talladega Ala
Limestone Co Ala June 10 1862
My Dear Husban
I take the present opportunity of writing you a few lines to let you know that we are all well and liveing and doing very well and hope when this reaches you that you will be enjoying the same blessing. Dear Jim I am anxious to here from you. I herd you were wounded and taken prisner at Corinth. Pleas write to me and lett me know wither I could come to see you for I do want to see you very bad and when you write let me know wither you know anything about Brother Andrew and Hank Hamby or not. Direct your letter to Athens Limestone Co Ala. Pars family are all well and doing well. I must now bring my letter to a close by sending my love to you and saying write soon to your wife. Your little children grows very fast and wants to see you nothing more but write soon. Martha L Chapman To James H Chapman Breckinridge Brigade Col Hale Regiment Capt Gardners Company If any person reads this letter and Mr Chapman is dead I will be very thankfull to them if they will anser this letter.
March 24 1862
To Mr F Trigg Nashville
Having been prevented from seeing you before you left Nashville on your benevolent mission to Columbus, I took the liberty of writing to you yesterday by mail, but having found the mails to be very irregular, I write you again by the Rev. Mr Ward of this city, who visits Columbus to see a brother that is a prisoner there. You may recollect that I had the pleasure of being introduced to you by the Hon. Horace Maynard at his room, a few days since. My youngest son, Alfred Henson Cross is among the prisoners at Camp Chase, Prison 2, Mess No. 12. as he informs me in a letter received yesterday. He arrived at Ft. Donelson only 4 or 5 days before the battle there and is just 18 years old. He had an attack of pneumonia last winter so severe as to endanger his life. I would very respectfully invoke your favorable consideration in his behalf and pledge myself that he will faithfully fullfil any promise he may make. I would therefore request that he be released on parole and be permitted to return home. If you cannot consistently with your duty allow him to come home I would suggest that I have a brother living at Mt. Gilead Ohio, and another at Basking Ridge N. Jersey, my own native place. Could he not then be released on parole till regularly exchanged, on condition of his remaining in the loyal states and with his uncles? It has been the business of my life to teach and govern youth – first for a good many years in the Nashville University and since then in a private school and have ever found them susceptible to kind and generous treatment. I believe therefore that the youth of our country can in no way be more effectively won back again to a love of the Union, should it be restored than by an exhibition of kindness and generosity toward them. I will only add that I have ever been opposed to this most unfortunate and unnatural war, and only yielded to his desire of joining the army when I saw or thought I saw, that every person of military years would have to do so. He went to Ft. Donelson to get a Lieutenancy in Artillery and hence was in the battle. I hoped he would thus be saved from the necessity of going in the ranks for which his education unfitted him. Very Respectfully your obt. Serv. Nathl. Cross
April 21, 1862
Dear father I seet my self to inform you all that I am well and I hope those few loines will find you all well. I receve your letter dated March the 26. I was glad to here from you all gave my love to mother & Brother & Sisters. You wanted to no when I could come home. I do not no when but I don’t think it will be very long. I must bring my letter to a close by saying write soon as you get my letter and remember your Son until death.
Samuel M Moses To Charles Moses
Charles Moses
Sam Moses
Back Creek Sherands August Count, VA
May the 26 My Dear Brother As I have some chance to send a letter I thought I would write you a few lines one of our Nothren friends a clever gentleman too. Tom I am well and doing well under the present circumstances. I would like so much to here from you we are all well. Tom I want you to answer this as soon as you can write. How all the boys are getting on. Tom tell me where Georgees is George Barrigh is dead. Sam Clay and Tom Davison is gone to. Davis has been home recruiting he look as well as Iever saw him. Tom you must answer this as soon as you get it. You must be_______. I haven’t the chance to write much. I recon I will have to come to a by asking you to write soon. Tom I had despaired of hering from you ever again but this gentleman Cor Stanly try to convey this letter to you by some meanes if all thi\e Northern men are like him I think you are doing very well. Tom I will come to a close write soon I am under many lasting obligations to this gentleman for his kindness towards me believe me to be your sincere and affectionate Good Bye Sister Sue
P S Brother Warrens family is well and James sends his love to you Give my love to all the boys.
Camp Chase Ohio April 21st 1862
Dear Brother,
Another opportunity presents itself by which I may possibly get a letter home. I have written many but I fear none of them have reached their destination. If you should receive this, I want you to use some exertion in getting one to me. I would give any imaginable sum for one letter or one encouraging word. I have not heard anything since I --- the last time which was near the 1st of March. If there is any chance for exchange ------------ it will depend on your efforts on my behalf. Tell father & mother not to grieve, it is the fate of war. We are very well treated as prisoners. I would write more if I had the privilege to do so. I --- to God I could see all of you but that is impossible. I am almost crazy to hear from home. We have a variety of diseases in this place. ---- ----- ---- ---- is small pox. Goodbye Your affectionate brother R. M. Clark
Loachapoka Ala 1 May 1862
My Dear Bro We have just heard of you whereabouts & I hasten to congratulate you upon your safety & c. I am now at your house writing on your desk with Sister Ellen your dear wife seated by my left sobbing in tears of joy for your welfair. She is in fine health & so are all the children. Father is in good health. Myself & family are as well as usual. Johns wife went to S.C. & in two weeks after being delivered of a fine daughter she died & was buried here last Saturday. The child is said to be doing well. Ellens mother has staid with her ever since you left. Can you let us hear of John & Thos Thomas if you can. Sister Ellen says please do so. We are glad to hear that you are treated well. We allow the Yankee prisoners the liberty of walking out doors & treat them very kindly otherwise. Sister Ellen would write but she is not collected in thoughts & I will do anything for her that I can. Your Bro W H Stanton
P S We heard of you through a letter that Cap Rush wrote to his wife.
Camp Chase Columbus Ohio April 20th 1862
Dear wife and children I take the time and plesure to write to you to let you know how I am doing we are doing tolerable well we are well treated hear though it is verry unpleasant to be a prisoner. I was taken sick on the last day of Febuary with the pnewmoney feaver and was confined to my room about 25 days. I got to go about a little and taken the yellow landerp an I was verry bad off 12 or 15 days. I am now able to go about over the prisen. The officers treat us kindly and give us aplenty to eat. I do not want you to be uneasey about me if it the will of the lord for me to get home I will be shore to do so. I have had nues from the boys. C. M. Priddle died on the 10 of March. G. B. Conch and J. W. Toland and T. M. Priddle have all died in the prisen. I want you to do the best you can tell the boys to purservear and make as much corn as they can and plant all of your corn land in peas and take good care of your hogs. I cannot tell when I will be liberated to come home. Keep your cotton if you can. I want to see you all verry bad. T. E. Riddle was at Clarksville Ten the last that I heard from him. He was wounded in the leg above the ancle he was mending slowly it was thought that his leg would have to be cut off. Franklin Torrgerjan was wounded and was sent to Clarksville. I learn he died. I want you all to reconsile and not be uneasey give my love to all the connections. No news at this time but remain your until death. W A H Shackelford to F Shackleford
I left my trunk in the cear of Mr Cearogott Comberlan Citty if he has taken cear of it I want you to have it taken home and my beding. I left some of my clothen and beding at bowling green with T A Wilman try to find where they are and get them home.
Co. H, 26th Miss.
Camp Chase Columbus Ohio April 21st 1862 Dear Mother I have an opportunity of sending this by a lady going to Richmond and write to let you know that though I am a prisoner I am in excellent health and in high hopes of again meeting you my family and my friends once more, though when God only knows. We are kindly treated and have plenty of the necessar ites of life and the only suffering is on account of my family. Tom was well when we were separated on the 10th. From what I can learn all the prisoners are well treated by the Federals and I believe Tom will not suffer as much in prison as he did in Camps. I hope you will not be troubled about us as I firmly believe we will be safely returned to you, I also wrote to Henrietta* today, tell her that all letters are read first by the Superintendent of the prison and to write only about our own affairs and of our neighbors. Enclose letters in an envelope addressed city of Richmond. Hettie*will tell you how to direct - please visit her as often as possible and all of you must bear this affliction with Christian patience and fortitude. I bear the confinement much better than I am imagining possible and think that restraint for a while will be beneficial to me. I will know how to appreciate home enjoyments when I return. Give my love to ---- & Lucy & ------ and to my friends. We are not confined to our rooms but have the range of the whole of the prison about 70 houses arranged in streets* and 12 men in a house. We have cooking stoves and are as confortable as we could expect though I would give all I am worth to see my family once more. Jack sends his respects to you & ------- .You must not be afraid of not seeing us soon as I feel confident that something will be done in reference to the prisioners soon. We all bear our ---- of --- ----- ---- --- than you imagine and hope for better times --- for your son. ---- ----- ----- ---- --- & yours we may ----- ----- ----- but hope and pray. Your son W.S. Smith
* (Transcribers words) Transcribed by Elaine and George Purvis
Apr. 21st 1862 U.S.A. Camp Chase Ohio
Mr. W.G. and Mary M. Hughes Dear Mother
I take the present opportunity of writing you a few lines to let you know that I am well at present. And I am confident that I will enjoy good health here. I expect to be sent to Sandusky in a few days.
I have just heard that the 15th was terribly cut up again. And also that Col. Blyth was killed.
I hope I will be exchanged shortly. I will come home then for a few days any how. As I have no news to tell you, and the “officials allow only one page I will have to quit. Give my love to all enquiring friends and accept for your self the devoted affection of W. Hughes
Columbus Ohio June 4
Dear father i thought i would writ you a few lines to you to let you now how i am getting a long i am well at the present an hop to find you the same i have bin ???? for mother to write to you but she his a nursing Mrs Hoods for the last few weeks and she is is about sik hersef and i want her to come home but she won’t i will tel you the new that ant Ellan was her last she heant now she is gone to June i am a ( scratched out) now i wish that you was out i see that ther is a person in for Joseph Priest he was sent at the same time that you
Mrs. Miles send her love to you and nose that you will ask about this man that a yo man that named Joseph asked about you and want to know when you come home Mr Tucker _______ an he say that old ________ Sterling Liaset now to you to due what you learn in you letter if i can do any more for you I want you to write to me and I will do all I can for you to get liberty and i will tel you the news that ______ _______ and cut my hand and _______ _______ _______ ______ so I can’t milk an _____ for I am all alone with the baby I have him in my lap so you must think how i can mend but am doing my best so that you mit hear form mother this is that i have to tele you now you Doroty Mary Jane Gishing iam mard to Garg Ghingson my husband has gone to ______ ______ _______ so i am ________ here now _______ ______ you Mary Jane Ghingson I am gone but _______ left to met you
Notes: This letter listed in the image gallery as Letter #66 Transcribed by Pam Watts and Elaine Purvis Very had to read, poor copy from original
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